Chateau le jardin

Chateau Le Jardin Open House Concept

Wedding shoots don’t always have to be super romantic. They can be colourful and moody.

Habitat: Instagram @chateaulejardinwith 200+views

At Chateau Le Jardin, it’s all about family. The kitchen crew values eating together.

During my time at Chateau Le Jardin. I started a series called #storiesoflejardin. The goal was to create stories that resonate with the employees.

Habitat: Instagram @chateaulejardin with 300+ views

Chateau Le Jardin Sizzle

As their in-house Videographer, I wanted to capture the passion behind the kitchen. The goal was to capture the process and passion behind every dish.

Habitat: Instagram @chateaulejardin with 600+ views

Bridal Show Highlight

Chateau Le Jardin is a 34,000 square foot space that can hold up to 8 events at the same time. It’s also shaped like a castle, so it’s hard to miss.

Habitat: Instagram @chateaulejardin with 900+ views